Friday, January 07, 2005

The world is NOT a trashcan!!!

O.K. This is one of my pet peeves and was brought to light strongly for me today. While driving between job sites, a black ford f250 blows by me and the passenger threw out what appeared to be a half eaten sandwich complete with silver foil wrapper. The food I can get over, ants and other animals will consume that in short fashion. What I can't stand is the blatant disregard shown by;
1. They were in the passing lane and almost caused a wreck because the rubbish landed on my hood and the car behind me swerved when they saw it. I guess they thought I would swerve too.
2. The wrapper will take anywhere from several months to several years to decompose, and just adds to the litter from other inconsiderate people who do this same thing.

I would just like to say one thing to these guys, and to all who follow this example.

THE WORLD IS NOT YOUR TRASH CAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not perfect, far from it. But I can say, and my wife will attest, any trash or paper that we generate stays in the car until we get home. Then it goes in the house trash can.........eventually. She has had to chase me out of the house to go clean the car out a couple of times actually. Now I know many of you are tired of hearing how we must protect our environment...blah this....blah that.....clean the water. We hear it all the time, and I agree with the idea of protecting our environment. I am not even talking from this standpoint in this instance however.
I am going to come from the standpoint of safety. As long as there are people driving there will be accidents. It is a fact of life, we are human, and mistakes will happen. Some accidents can be prevented. This inconsiderate (expletive deleted) passenger could have caused either me or the car behind me to drive into the ditch, or careen into another vehicle trying to avoid the rubbish they ejected. In other words this one act could have hurt someone. Now. I ask you this. What if in one of those vehicles..........the passengers......just happened to be a child. Maybe even your child. How would you feel about littering then. This has happened. And will happen again I'm sure. But it doesn't have to.
I make this call to everyone who reads this......If you see someone littering, ask them to stop. The life you save could be someone you love.

Until next time,

1 comment:

sprinkle4 said...

The world may not be our trash can baby, but our car sure looks like it! Love ya anyway tho!;-)