Thursday, January 13, 2005

Wally World Entertainment Guide

If you are anything like me, you spend a good deal of time making Sam Walton's beneficiaries even richer than they are now. Most of the time you fill your cart and go to check out, and there are only two or three lines open. It's gonna be another long wait.
Why not have some fun in the process? Here are some things to occupy your time. (Once again, I wont be able to provide bail money so be carefull :) )

Follow people around as they shop staying about ten feet from them at all times. Do this until they leave the department.

Walk up to an employee and say "I think we have a code 3 in hardware"

Fill up complete shopping carts, leave them sitting in different areas

Set all the alarm clocks to go off at five minute intervals

Turn all the radios to a classical music station, then turn them off and set the volume to maximum

Walk up to the automatic doors. When they open, step backwards and stare in awe. When others walk through, gasp in amazement

Walk up to complete strangers and say "Hey there stranger! I haven't seen you in ages!" See if they play along.

Pay off layaway items a quarter at a time

When any anouncement comes over the intercom, roll up in the fetal position and cry out "'s those voices again"

Ride a bicycle through the store until stopped, tell the clerk you don't buy anything without a test drive

Go to the Health and Beauty section and practice you'r vitamin juggling skills

Test the fishing poles, see what you can catch from the next isle

When someone steps away from their cart to look at something, quickly make off with their cart without saying a word. Leave it two isles over.


Anonymous said...

'Hey there stranger'....someone did that to me once. I still don't remember who they are!

CaCaBoy said...

I have personally swore off Wally World. They act as though I, not them should be glad I am there! When they call "code Sunshine" scream "Code:Sunshine, My God we're all gonna die!"