Sunday, March 27, 2005

Happy Easter Everyone Posted by Hello

Saturday, March 26, 2005

these clouds are cool. Posted by Hello

the next wave of cell phone use in traffic Posted by Hello

my next part time job. Posted by Hello

Maybe this would be a good look for Shane? Posted by Hello

Finally found a way to get rid of those pesky bills!!!! Posted by Hello

Posted by Hello

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Try this.......It took me a minute. Lila had no problem but she is left handed, so right brain dominant. Posted by Hello

Why do tommorrow what you can do the day after? Posted by Hello

A Sign?

Lila had her surgery today. She was out of surgery in less than an hour, then she spent the next four hours trying to shake off the effects of the anethesia. She is really sore but feeling much better.
While she was in surgery I went out to call and check on the kids. Now I know a lot of people, when they pray, ask for a sign. I don't. However, I feel I received one anyway. I prayed simply for Lila to come through the operation all right and for God to guide the surgeon's hands. As I got ready to go back inside I noticed a single dove, between me and the door. It may sound strange but that keeps happening throughout my life. During times in my life that I have been really worried about something, I have been visited by doves. I know that didn't really have anything to do with how things turned out but it is really a calming effect. Then I notice a mated pair of cardinals, the state bird of my home state. To me they were Lila and I, flying above our problems. I don't rely on, or even ask for signs. I think sometimes however, if you pay attention, you may get one.
Anyway, Welcome back home Lila. Get well soon.
I Love You.

Saturday, March 19, 2005


Do you ever wonder why people do things. Or is it just me.
Like ...why do we put so much trust in doctors? If they are so smart then why do we call them ...Practicing Physicians?

Why does a dog get mad when you blow in his face, yet when he rides in a car with the window down he keeps his head out the window

If Jimmy cracks corn and noone cares, why is there a song about him?

If the professor on gilligan's island can make a radio out of a coconut, why the heck cant he fix a hole in a boat?

Why do people point to their wrist when asking what time it is, and not their crotch when asking directions to the bathroom?

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?

If Wile E. Coyote had enough money to buy all that acme crap, why didn't he just buy dinner?

If a man is talking in the forest, and there is no woman there to hear him, is he still wrong??

Why is it when you tell someone there are over a billion stars in the universe, they believe you. But tell them there is wet paint, they have to touch it for themselves.

Why is it noone listens to what you say until you'r wrong about something.

Did you ever notice noone really cares about you until you miss a couple payments?

The tongue is one of the lightest body parts we have, so why is it so hard to hold?

It is easier to preach ten sermons than it is to live one.

God is dead - Nietzsche
Nietzsche is dead - God

If pro is the opposite of con, what is the opposite of progress?...congress?

Why do you need a drivers license to buy alcahol when you can't drink and drive?

If nothing sticks to teflon, how do they get the teflon to stick to the pan?

they have that indestructible black box on airplanes in case of a crash, why can't they make the whole plane out of that material?

When people are driving looking for an address, why do they turn the radio down.

How can something be new and improved at the same time?????

On the radio the other day I heard an ad...."Im Jeff Healy...from the Jeff Healy Band....don't drink and drive....I dont"
Well....I hope you don't drive sober either Mr. Healy.....You'r freakin' blind for pete's sake!!!!!!!!

If you want to send someone some styrofoam what do you pack it in?

Do amphibians have to wait an hour after eating to get out of the water?

If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, would that be considered a hostage situation?

When a pet bird sees you reading the newspaper does he ever wonder why you'r just sitting there staring at the carpet?

Since light is faster than the speed of sound, is that why some people appear bright until you hear them speak?

Can atheists get isurance coverage for acts of God?

If I were to pay you 10 cents for every kind word you ever spoke, and take 5 cents from you for every unkind word, would you be rich or poor?

If today is the first day of the rest of your life, what was yesterday?

If you steal a clean slate, does it go on your record?

If a cannibal ate a clown, would he taste funny?

How much deeper would the ocean be if there were no sponges?

Why can't life's problems hit us when we are 17 and we know everything?

Why is the phrase "it's none of my business.." always followed by the word "but"

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Ways to be truly annoying.....

sing the batman theme constantly.

staple papers in the middle of the page.

ask 800 number operators for dates.

write the surprise ending to a novel on the front page.

specify that your drive-through order is "to go".

memorize morse code and have public conversations with your friends consisting of "beep bip bip bee bip".

publicly investigate just how slowly you can make a croaking noise.

honk and wave to total strangers in heavy traffic.

Dress only in clothes that are hunter orange.

change channels five minutes before the ending of every tv show.

tape segments of "sweatin to the oldies" over climactic parts of rental movies.

steal a large quantity of orange traffic cones and reroute entire city streets.

pay for your dinner with pennies.

repeat everything someone says, as a question.

wander around the restaurant asking other diners for their parsley.

demand that everyone address you as "conquistador"

leave tips in pesos.

wear a cape that says "Magnificent One"

stand over someones shoulder and mumble as they read.

skip everywhere you go instead of walking.

leave your turn signal on for fifty miles.

name your dog "Dog"

inform people that they exist only in your imagination.

ask people what gender they are.

reply to everything someone says with "That's what YOU think"

follow a few paces behind someone spraying everything they touch with Lysol.

while making presentations, occasionally bob your head like a parakeet.

lie about obvious things like the time of day.

sit in your front yard with a hair dryer and point it at passing cars and see if they slow down.

chew on borrowed pens.

sing along at the opera.

mow your lawn with scissors.

finish all your sentences with "in accordance with prophecy"

ask the waitress for an extra seat for your imaginary friend.

ask your coworkers mysterious questions and scribble their answers in a notebook while mumbling something about psychological profiles.

dont add inflection at the end of any of your sentences, producing an awkward silence with the impression that you will be saying more at any moment.

signal that a conversation is over by clamping your hands over your ears.

invent lots of people to other people's parties.

forward e-mails back to the person that sent it to you.


I would like to send out some traditional Irish blessings to everyone. In case you haven't figured it out yet, I'm Irish. Part Irish anyway, but that still counts.

May you'r neighbors respect you,
Troubles neglect you,
The angels protect you,
And heaven accept you.

Dance as if noone were watching,
Sing as if noone were listening,
And live every day as if it were you'r last.

May you be in heaven a half hour before the devil knows you are dead.

May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rain fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

A few limericks to get you started

A Lass, one beautiful morn,
Fell in love with a male unicorn,
She purchased a spell,
Recited it well,
Now she's with him with hooves, tail, and horn.

A man, while drinking light bud,
Crashed his car with a sickening thud,
The car that he hit,
Had a warlock in it,
Now he lives as a frog in the mud

A wonderful bird is the pelican,
His beak can hold more than his belican,
He can take in his beak,
Food enough for a week,
But I'm damned if I see how the helican.

There was a young woman named Bright,
Whose speed was much faster than light,
She set out one day,
In a relative way,
And returned on the previous night.

lol Posted by Hello

Happy St. Patricks Day! Posted by Hello

Friday, March 04, 2005

!st Degree Bloglifting!

Okay! My wife got this from shane, then I got it from her. I have been pretty sick lately so I'm bein lazy.

1. Who was your first grade teacher? That would have been Ms. Zirkle. If she is still alive and reads this......that time in your class we were shooting spitballs....and I overshot Jodi and it hit the blackboard.....and fell....on your forehead..........SORRY.

2. Last person you kissed? That would be Jakob.

3.Last word you said? Amen. I like to pray over my kids when they sleep.

4. Last person you hugged? Jakob.

5. Last thing you laughed at? An episode of monk.

6. Last time said I love you? when I put the boys to bed.

7. Whats in your cd player? Gran Tourismo 2, My cd player is an old playstation.

8. last song you sang? paper in fire - john mellencamp

9. What socks are you wearing? the ones youve been looking for for weeks.

10. What's under your bed? The last three people to ask me that question, and fifi the cat.

11. current taste? mt. dew and a hotdog

12. current hair? yes.....ask me tommorrow and It may be no.

13. current clothes? Dont look Ethel!!!!!

14. current annoyance? Doctors that charge 2oo dollars to tell you your sick then tell you to get some rest and thats all they can do for you. sh&^.......glad you got that medical degree there bub cause I had no idea. I just like to come visit the building now and then and give money to whoever is in there.

15. current desktop? Gangster sesame street. All the muppets packin heat. And in other news.......Sesame Street signs on for four more seasons.

16. current worry? That I am not competent enough to provide the kind of life my wife and kids really deserve.

17. Current hate? Old navy commercials, where's a torpedo when you really really need one?

18. current favorite article of clothing? my left sock. not my right one cause its got a dang hole right over the pinky toe, but the left sock man....yeah...thats the one.

19. favorite place to be? In a coma sleeping peaceably

20. least favorite place to be? sitting in rush hour traffic in huntsville,alabama.

21.Time you wake up? 6:30 am

22 what instrument would you play? I play guitar some now, have played the bass in the past..........would like to learn the piano possibly

23 Do you believe in an afterlife? Of course........if there isnt one then what would be the point of this one?

24. Favorite book? study bible

25. Favorite day? Today

26. Where do you want to go? To bed. meant where in the world I guess. I would have to say Ireland.

27. What is your career going to be like? yep......that pretty much sums it up.....thanks for asking

28. What kind of car do you have? 1985 camaro with 262,000 miles on it and still runs like a charm, 1995 mercury villager, 1999 dodge ram company truck.

29. Type a line you remember from any book. Hark....what light through yonder window breaks

30. How many kids do you want? How many you got?

31. Righty or lefty? All righty then

32. Sign? This space for rent. A taurus in other words.

33. Innie or outie? yep

34. Heritage. German/Scotch-Irish/Indian= MUTT

35.Shoes worn today. Work boots

36.Hair. ummmm.....bite me

37. Your thoughts when first waking up. Here we go again

38. Your most missed memory. There was this one time when I was ....oh wait....that wasn't me

39. Pepsi or coke. Mt. Dew

40. Mcdonalds or burger king. neither

41. single/group dates. single.......never got into orgies

42.adidas or nike. bobo's

43.Lipton or nestea. Lipton

44.Chocolate or Vanilla. Both swirled together.....Chanilla....or is that Vanocula

45. Capuccino or coffee. coffee

46.Do you smoke? Only when I'm on fire......or having a cigarette

47.Do you sing? Use to. Was in two bands for a while.

48.Do you take a shower daily? What am I stinkin over here. Of course I do.

49.Ever been in love? Im married so what do you think?

50. Did you like high school?

51.Do you want to get married? see number 49

52.Do you type with your fingers on the correct keys? yeds...i Am a goot thyper

53.Do you think you are attractive? see number 49

54.Are you a health freak? nope.....just your standard run of the mill freak

55. Do you get along with your parents? I get along well with my mom, she calls once a week. My dad died when I was 18 so we dont talk much.

56. Do you play an instrument? guitar and bass

57.Height. 4 foot 23 inches

58.favorite toe. ?
your supposed to have a favorite????????

59.all i need is ? My wife and kids

60.If I could see one person right now. Toss up between my dad and my grandma