Sunday, June 19, 2005

Stole This List ....part two (I stole it from Lila,,,,who stole it from red

If I were a month I'd be; April If I were a season I'd be: Spring If I were a day of the week I'd be: Friday If I were a time of day I'd be: 12:59 pm If I were a planet I'd be: Uranus If I were a sea creature I'd be: dolphin If I were a direction I'd be: lost If I were a sin I'd be: gluttony If I were a historical figure I'd be: Robert E Lee If I were a liquid I'd be: milk If I were a tree I'd be: willow If I were a bird I'd be: eagle If I were a tool I'd be: inside micrometers If I were a flower I'd be: weed If I were a kind of weather I'd be: thundersnow If I were a mythical creature I'd be: grover If I were a musical instrument I'd be: a guitar If I were a house pet I'd be: a pit bull/chihuahua mix If I were a color I'd be: blue If I were an emotion I'd be: frustration If I were a vegetable I'd be: president If I were a fruit I'd be: a watermelon If I were a sound I'd be: a dog chasing a cat in a tornado If I were an element I'd be: tungsten If I were a car I'd be: GTO If I were a song I'd be: "Tumbling Down" John Mellencamp If I were a book I'd be: "The last wizard" If I were a place I'd be: a ghost town If I were a material I'd be: wood If I were a scent I'd be: french vanilla If I were a word I'd be: living in a dictionary If I were an object I'd be: a guitar If I were a body part I'd be: an eye If I were a facial expression I'd be: that "you smell something?" look If I were a subject in school I'd be: lunch If I were a shape I'd be: a octogon If I were an ice cream flavour I'd be: Neopolitan If I were a celebrity I'd be: Nicolas Cage If I were a body of water I'd be: the dead sea If I were a land form/area of land I'd be: the Black Hills If I were something made of glass I'd be: a glass eye If I were something made of paper I'd be: origami grover


Oh great One said...

GROVER! *chirp chirp*
GROVER! *chirp*
Is that a tumbleweed?

Oh great One said...

It's July Grover.

Oh great One said...

Grover, It's August now.