Sunday, June 19, 2005

Happy Fathers Day!!!!!

I hope you all have a wonderfull Fathers Day!!!
Note to Lila; as for you'r question of what I want for Father's Day???.....the two sons you gave me are all I will ever need for F-Day for the rest of my life.

Note to All: Sorry I haven't been posting much. It seems I never have any time anymore.

Now , with all that said., .......time to ramble

Ham and eggs....just a day's work for a chicken, but a lifetime commitment for the pig.

If it's true that we are only here to help others, then what the hell are the others here for?????

Dust.....nature's natural protective coating for all your fine furniture.

Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitos?

I think the word Vegetarian must be Indian for Poor Hunter.

1 comment:

Oh great One said...

Woo HOO! I have got plenty of natures protective coating around here! I should share with those less fortunate!